Josh Kaufman

Josh Kaufman is the bestselling author of books on business, entrepreneurship, skill acquisition, applied psychology, and practical wisdom. About Josh Kaufman »

Essays on Decision-Making

What are you *not* willing to do to get what you want? »

The best way I've found to stop dreaming about what you want and start making progress. »

Strategic apathy is a way to make sure you’re working on what *you* value long-term, instead of what seems enticing on the surface. »

The greater the potential perceived status increase, the higher the risk of serious error or malinvestment. »

You can't make positive discoveries that make your life better if you never try anything new. Start experimenting, and never stop. »

It's useful to have a short list of low-thought, low-energy things you can do when you're tired or having an off day. »

Often, we spend time and money on things that don't work out: unnecessary purchases, bad hires, poor investments, and wasted energy. »

The more accurate information you have about the world, the more clearly you think. The better you manage your internal state, the better you’ll do. »

Social proof is a powerful force - it’s easiest to do what everyone else is doing. »

There’s a big difference between liking the idea of being/doing something and liking the actual being/doing. »

Here’s a curious fact about human beings: we have a really hard time realizing that something isn’t there. »

Eleven mental models from the realm of psychotherapy. »