Josh Kaufman

Josh Kaufman is the bestselling author of books on business, entrepreneurship, skill acquisition, applied psychology, and practical wisdom. About Josh Kaufman »

2012 Personal MBA Reading List Update

Today, I’m happy to announce the latest edition of the Personal MBA reading list. The 2012 edition is the seventh edition of the reading list, and is the result of eight solid years of research. The 99 Personal MBA-recommended books will teach you everything you need to know about how to make more money, get more done, and have more fun in the process.

This year’s update combines the 2011 and 2012 updates into a single edition. The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business was published in January of last year, so a dedicated 2011 edition of the reading list wasn’t published. Accordingly, this edition contains updates based on two years of research.

Since publication, The Personal MBA has become an international bestseller, and is currently in the process of being translated for distribution in twelve languages. One year after publication, the book ranks in the top 0.1% of all business books sold on with no sign of slowing down. The book has been very well received by readers, and continues to sell consistently well worldwide. A revised and updated paperback edition and audiobook are also in the works. All in all, 2011 was a huge year for The Personal MBA.

The 2012 edition of the Personal MBA reading list features 12 new books:

Update: I’m making one late addition to the 2012 update: Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs by Karen Berman and Joe Knight. I typically refrain from adding new volumes to the list outside of the annual update, but in this case, there’s no good reason to wait. If you’re looking for a great introductory finance primer, this is easily the best available. (Numbers below have been updated for accuracy.)

Thirteen new volumes over a period of two years represents roughly 6.5% annual turnover of recommendations on the list. Given that over 11,000 new business books are published annually, I’m satisfied with the rate of change. The list remains steady at a total of 99 recommendations, with no plans to expand the quantity of recommendations in the future.

To make the list easier to browse and reference, I’ve reordered the list’s topic categories to mirror the flow of the book. I’ve also published an alphabetical listing of reviews on the Book Notes page, so you can find specific business book reviews quickly. On the backend, this site has been fully refactored and optimized for speed and ease of use.

Also, by popular request, I’ve added a Deprecated list of all past Personal MBA book recommendations. This page will give you a better idea of how I decide which books move onto and off of the list, as well as serve as an archive for historical purposes. Enjoy.

Review the entire Personal MBA Reading List, 2012 Edition →

I hope you find these resources useful as you build your business.

Thanks for reading!Today, I’m happy to announce the latest edition of the Personal MBA reading list. The 2012 edition is the seventh edition of the reading list, and is the result of eight solid years of research. The 99 Personal MBA-recommended books will teach you everything you need to know about how to make more money, get more done, and have more fun in the process.

This year’s update combines the 2011 and 2012 updates into a single edition. The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business was published in January of last year, so a dedicated 2011 edition of the reading list wasn’t published. Accordingly, this edition contains updates based on two years of research.

Since publication, The Personal MBA has become an international bestseller, and is currently in the process of being translated for distribution in twelve languages. One year after publication, the book ranks in the top 0.1% of all business books sold on with no sign of slowing down. The book has been very well received by readers, and continues to sell consistently well worldwide. A revised and updated paperback edition and audiobook are also in the works. All in all, 2011 was a huge year for The Personal MBA.

The 2012 edition of the Personal MBA reading list features 12 new books:

Update: I’m making one late addition to the 2012 update: Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs by Karen Berman and Joe Knight. I typically refrain from adding new volumes to the list outside of the annual update, but in this case, there’s no good reason to wait. If you’re looking for a great introductory finance primer, this is easily the best available. (Numbers below have been updated for accuracy.)

Thirteen new volumes over a period of two years represents roughly 6.5% annual turnover of recommendations on the list. Given that over 11,000 new business books are published annually, I’m satisfied with the rate of change. The list remains steady at a total of 99 recommendations, with no plans to expand the quantity of recommendations in the future.

To make the list easier to browse and reference, I’ve reordered the list’s topic categories to mirror the flow of the book. I’ve also published an alphabetical listing of reviews on the Book Notes page, so you can find specific business book reviews quickly. On the backend, this site has been fully refactored and optimized for speed and ease of use.

Also, by popular request, I’ve added a Deprecated list of all past Personal MBA book recommendations. This page will give you a better idea of how I decide which books move onto and off of the list, as well as serve as an archive for historical purposes. Enjoy.

Review the entire Personal MBA Reading List, 2012 Edition →

I hope you find these resources useful as you build your business.

Thanks for reading!

Published: January 03, 2012 Last updated: April 18, 2019